Questions? We Have Answers!

Below, please find answers to some of the most common questions we’re asked:

I began practicing in Waterford, Michigan in 1988. I became a Chiropractor because I saw my mother struggle with other medical approaches following an injury and then was helped through Chiropractic care. My brother, nephew and cousins are Chiropractors. It is an approach I believe in. However, I understand that health care is a team approach. I have always strived to do what is best for my patients and if that means referring them out to a different specialist, then so be it. The health and well being of every person who walks through my door is my focus. Dr. Katie Zimmerman joined our practice about eight years ago and shares the same philosophy. Together, we have helped thousands of people make the right decisions about what is best for them. This may come across as corny, but we truly care about people.
There are so many chiropractic offices, why should I choose summit?

I began practicing in Waterford, Michigan in 1988. I became a Chiropractor because I saw my mother struggle with other medical approaches following an injury and then was helped through Chiropractic care. My brother, nephew and cousins are Chiropractors. It is an approach I believe in. However, I understand that health care is a team approach. I have always strived to do what is best for my patients and if that means referring them out to a different specialist, then so be it. The health and well-being of every person who walks through my door is my focus. Dr. Hollie Kushner, who joined our practice in 2023, shares the same philosophy. Together, we have helped thousands of people make the right decisions about what is best for them. This may come across as corny, but we truly care about people.

Do you accept medical insurance or Medicare?

We accept the following insurance:

  • Aetna
  • ASR
  • Blue Care Network- with a referral from a PCP provider
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • HAP
  • Humana
  • McLaren
  • Medicare
  • Medicare Advantage

Please check with your provider to ensure Chiropractic care is covered by your plan.

What do you offer at summit chiropractic in terms of techniques/approaches?
Again, it’s all about the comfort and safety of the patient. Most of our techniques involve soft tissue manipulation, stretching, traction based techniques. We also utilize an electronic handheld adjusting instrument. Many of our patients request hands on spinal manipulation. There are too many techniques to list. We are familiar and well trained in most of them. We customize our approach with each patient specifically. That’s what sets us apart. Many of our patients are transferring from other Chiropractors that may have been too rough for them. We listen to your history, complaints and appreciate your sensitivities. Every one is treated as an individual.

We also utilize Cold Laser Therapy, Spinal Decompression and have four highly trained Massage Therapists on staff.

What do cold laser therapy and spinal decompression accomplish?
Cold Laser Therapy reduces inflammation. We have treated plantar fasciitis, TMJ pain, sports injuries (sprains, strains ), Tendonitis, bursitis, anything that is inflamed and causing discomfort or inhibiting function. Many of the results have been amazing. Spinal Decompression is a specialized approach to treat Bulging, Herniated and Degenerative discs as well as Sciatica or radiating leg pain Many people have been able to avoid low back surgery with this approach. It also works well in conjunction with the cold laser therapy.
Why would I get massage at summit chiropractic instead of at a massage chain?
First of all, our therapists are highly trained, experienced, professional and well versed in so many different approaches. Massage therapy is an art form. There is a huge difference between therapists here and at the ” franchise massage ” facilities. Experience counts. The other benefit is that when combined with Chiropractic care, Dr. Zimmerman and I meet with your therapist to discuss your case and our findings. We may guide them to focus on specific areas or at times, avoid certain techniques or regions. So you have our input as well which everyone appreciates.
What do chiropractic doctors do?
The primary focus of chiropractic is to identify spinal subluxations (misalignments causing nerve stress) and reduce or if possible correct them. Chiropractors use a careful history taking, physical examination and technologies such as spinal thermal scanning, electromyography and if needed x-ray analysis to determine the need for chiropractic care. The word Chiropractic is derived from Greek and means “preformed by hand.” Chiropractors use a gentle and painless procedure known as a spinal adjustment to correct the cause of many health problems.
What type of education do chiropractic doctors get?
Chiropractors must complete a minimum of four years of full-time pre-medicine university courses. Once enrolled in chiropractic school a further four years of intensive study emphasizing anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology, body-mechanics, x-ray, spinal adjusting techniques and many other related subjects. To graduate with Doctor of Chiropractic degree, the candidate must pass the demanding Board Examinations followed by a state licensure exam before being granted the privilege to practice Chiropractic.
What is an adjustment?
A chiropractic adjustment is the art of using a specific low-force in a precise direction applied to a bone that is subluxated, “stuck,” or not moving properly. This “adjustment” adds motion to the spinal joints helping the bone gradually return to more normal motion and more normal position. By doing this the adjustment releases tension or stress from the neighboring spinal nerves and spinal cord, leading to relief, improved nerve function and improved health.
Are all patients adjusted the same way?

No. The doctor evaluates each patient’s unique spinal problem and develops an individual care program. The resulting recommendations are based upon years of training and experience. There are numerous techniques or types of spinal adjustments. At Summit Regenerative Health we tailor the type of adjustments given to suit each individual.

Do spinal adjustments weaken or loosen the spine in any way?
In a word, no. Spinal adjustments restore the normal, healthy motion and position that each spinal segment requires. Because spinal adjustments, delivered by a trained chiropractic doctor, do not injure or weaken the muscular and ligamentous structures of the spine they do not cause any weakening or “loosening” of the spine. In order for the spine to be strong and able to withstand the various forces and stresses of daily life the spinal bones must be in normal alignment and have their normal amount of movement. Spinal adjustments do just that.
Can I adjust myself?
Since a chiropractic adjustment is a specific force, applied in the specific direction, to a specific spinal bone, it is virtually impossible to adjust oneself. It is possible to turn or bend or twist in certain ways to create a “popping” sound, like the sound that often accompanies a chiropractic adjustment. Unfortunately, this type of joint “manipulation” is usually counterproductive, often making an all ready unstable area of the spine even more unsteady. This is also true for well-meaning friends or family members who are “chiropractor wanna-be’s”. Adjusting the spine is not for amateurs! Chiropractors themselves seek out the services of their colleagues to maintain their spinal health.
How often should I get a spinal adjustment?
As soon as you develop “spinal nerve stress.” Since spinal nerve stress is often painless, it is best to have your spine checked regularly, just as you would have your teeth checked for “painless” cavities.
How safe is chiropractic care?
In the words of the “Report Of The Commission Of Inquiry” of the New Zealand Government, Chiropractic care is remarkably safe. Chiropractic has an excellent safety record. It is the result of a conservative approach to health that avoids invasive procedures or addictive drugs.
If I start chiropractic care do I have to keep going?
Absolutely not. Similar to exercise, a person can begin, stop, or continue Chiropractic adjustments as desired. Spinal adjustments do not have an addicting effect, nor do they create a condition whereby a person is worse off after receiving spinal adjustments.
Why do children need chiropractic care?
Since significant spinal trauma can occur during the birth process many parents have their newborns checked for spinal nerve stress (subluxations.) Later, learning to walk, or ride a bicycle, and many other childhood activities can cause spinal problems. Many childhood health complaints that are brushed off as “growing pains” can often be traced to spinal problems. Naturally, Chiropractic adjusting procedures are modified to a child’s spine. Most parents report that their children enjoy their chiropractic adjustments and seem much healthier than other children. Chiropractic for children can help to avoid many other health complaints seen later in adulthood.
Can someone with arthritis in their spine receive chiropractic care?
Most certainly. While there are various types of arthritis, the most common type occurring in the spine is called osteoarthritis. With few exceptions people with degenerative osteoarthritis find chiropractic adjustments a great help in relieving their symptoms and improving their overall body movement.
Can chiropractic prevent back surgery?
Most surgical cases begin with spinal subluxations which chiropractic can often correct. If a condition is detected soon enough, generally, back surgery would rarely be needed.
Can a person who had back surgery see a chiropractor?

Yes. At Summit Regenerative Health, we have cared for numerous patients who have had various types of spinal surgeries with good results. It’s an unfortunate fact that half of those who have spinal surgery discover a return of their original problems months or years later. This all too-common occurrence is known as “Failed Back Surgery Syndrome.” Chiropractic care can often help avoid repeated operations.

I am not in pain or sick should I see a chiropractor?
Most people that have their first heart attack had no idea they had a problem before. In the same way symptoms or the lack thereof are not a good way to judge one’s health. Pain and other symptoms often show up only after years of body malfunction. Most people maintain their automobiles much better than they do their own bodies. Chiropractic is a preventative proactive type of health care.